Sunday, October 26, 2008

Barack Obama

Just days before the presidential elections are said to take place in the States, there have already been a lot of tension between the two candidates being Obama and McCain. It is believed that there are a couple of personal vendettas springing up, which is not what the Americans want to see just days before "the elections". But at least for Obama things are turning out well for him as it is evident that Barack is winnign so far, to an extent that former US President Bill Clinton will be joining him in the state of Florida for hiscampaign, considering the fact that at first he was against him, but now that he realises that he might be what America needs now, he wants to be part of that CHANGE... classy move Bill!!!!Whether it's the poverty exposed by Katrina, the genocide in Darfur, or the role of faith in our politics, Barack Obama continues to speak out on the issues that will define America in the 21st century, that is the change that he is forever preaching about. I hope he makes it on the 4th of November, we'l keep our fingers crossed for him...GO BARACK GO!!! i believe that maintaining the status-quo before the Bush administration is what Bill Clinton wants to see happen in the USA.


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