Sunday, October 26, 2008


Well well well, what can i say, english has never been my favourite subject, i dont know if it iwas the teachers way of teaching or what, but i felt as though they never taught us anything but just just the tense..Its as if I taught myself how to speak the language, as I am from a tswana speaking family, what I mean is that at home it is strictly Setswana no English at all, even at school the whole english policy nonsense never worked for some of us. I would get beaten all the time for speaking setswana at school to a point where every morning, i would just wait for the teacher to come and give me my 6 lashes just so that they do not bother me during classes. To me as long as i knew the basics,reading and writing, and being able to converse, i dont know why they stressed over it much,even though it was helpful, i found it boring, for them to force us something we did want to learn...being stubborn about it helped me though, even though i was forever bruised!!!

Barack Obama

Just days before the presidential elections are said to take place in the States, there have already been a lot of tension between the two candidates being Obama and McCain. It is believed that there are a couple of personal vendettas springing up, which is not what the Americans want to see just days before "the elections". But at least for Obama things are turning out well for him as it is evident that Barack is winnign so far, to an extent that former US President Bill Clinton will be joining him in the state of Florida for hiscampaign, considering the fact that at first he was against him, but now that he realises that he might be what America needs now, he wants to be part of that CHANGE... classy move Bill!!!!Whether it's the poverty exposed by Katrina, the genocide in Darfur, or the role of faith in our politics, Barack Obama continues to speak out on the issues that will define America in the 21st century, that is the change that he is forever preaching about. I hope he makes it on the 4th of November, we'l keep our fingers crossed for him...GO BARACK GO!!! i believe that maintaining the status-quo before the Bush administration is what Bill Clinton wants to see happen in the USA.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Politics have a huge impact on our daily lives. Because it deals with important political ideologies, the different political systems, great political thinkers such as Karl Marx, Plato, and Aristotle etc, it makes politics a diverse and exciting subject to study. I am wildly passionate about politics, to a point where I feel small minded and idoitic at times. I feel as if those who dont share the same political ideas as me are, either evil,uneducated or even selfserving, and can discredit them at every turn. A politician's power is largely rooted in their ability to influence other politcian's.To me, this crazy passion for politics is strongly driven by the likes of Ms. Najma Heptulla, who became elected as the first women President of the Inter Parliamentary Council. The likes of Helen Johnson Sir-leaf who was Africa's first female president in Liberia, and Condoleezza Rice, who became the 66th U.S Secretary of State. I have this storng belief that if these women made it in politics , then what on earth could stop me from getting there too. POLITICS, thats where my passion lies..

Monday, October 13, 2008

makgadikgadi salt pans

The Makgadikgadi "meaning vast,open, and lifeless land" Salt Pans used to be a great lake, which has nowbeen dry for five million years. Because it rains annually, the grasses become greener, attracting the last species of Zebra and Wildebeest in Southern Africa, and a plethora of gameand birdlife. Makgadikgadi pans being the size of Portugal,comprises of the Sua, Ntwetwe and Nxai Pans,and is the largest salr pan in the world, being only a portion of what used to be then largest inland lakes in Africa. Located in the northern central region of Botswana; it is characterised by an endless horizon of flat, salt pan stretching into the distance, surrounded on the extreme fringes, by low scrub. Makgadikgadi Salt Pans are the pride of Botswana, as they are the only Salt Pans in Sub Saharan Africa.They attract a lot of tourists, and bring in a lot of income through tourism, as they come in to see the amazing sunsets and wildlife.They are really the jewel of Africa, and the pride of our country, as they attract a plethora of flora and fauna.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


i believe that Oscar tha cat has sixth sense that moost cats dont normally posses. It is stated that maybe he can smell a unique scent, that maybe lets him know of the time that they have left. But it is also stated that maybe dying patients emit some kind of smell that piques Oscar's sense of smell. But again maybe it is because cats can ssense sickness in their human and animal friends, and so maybe because Oscar has been staying with them for a while, can sense it when their vital organs are shutting down. This i believe would be a rational explanation as to why Oscar is like this. But then again, in the middle ages,cats were attributed to black magic, because they can hear sounds that we humans cannot hear, and can see things that we cannot see, smelling and feeling in different ways to us humans. Cats have a unique mechanism at the back of their mouth, which enables them to make a speacial analysis of air molecules analyzing air inhaled through the mouth, not nose. Maybe it is true , when they say that cats have nine lives, because such behaviour leaves us to wonder if indeed,Oscar is the "angel of death," in the form of a cat.